Chuck Netzow's Daily pleasures and Daily Drags:
When The New Yorker arrives.
Dinner at home with wife.
Going out to dinner after a good movie.
The afternoon pot of Earl Grey while reading the current book and listening to quiet music.
Weekly phone calls to distant children.
Breakfast with the newspaper.
Watching the action at the bird feeder.
Planning house improvements.
Winning at bridge.
Seeing friends.
Admirable musical performances.
Old world cities.
Inventive architecture of any age.
The prescription drugs that seem to be keeping me alive.
Country air
Jon Stewart
Stephen Colbert
Bill Maher sometimes
Emptying dehumidifier.
Straightening out Dish network failures.
Trying to imagine what I've done to the computer.
Car repairs.
Junk mail.
Losing at bridge.
Unopenable packages.
Letters from non-profits asking if I've received their "free gift" (a calendar, more
address labels).
Letters from pols including a slanted "questionaire".
Planned obsolescence generally.
Abrupt disappearance of favorite brands.
Ad writers constant admiration of luxury.
The very idea of a chocolate martini.
Wondering why I can't have 50 cent pieces.
Having two drops of salad dressing on every tie I own.
Folk songs and foik singers. Bill
Rush Limbaugh
I have to stop. This list might never end.