Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thoughtful Gifts
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Dailure-Cloudy Days in Florida

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dailure-Everglades National Park
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sailing Sailing Dailure

Friday, December 11, 2009
Dailrag-Sore Throat
Dailure-Baking Bread

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Dailrag - Santas
Dailure-Art Basel People Watching
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Art Miami

Friday, December 4, 2009
Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson, candidate for Nobel Peace Prize, author of Three Cups of Tea, will speak, at the local book store, on Sunday. He has a new book called, Stones Into Schools. I heard him speak a couple of years ago and think this guy is a hero! The talk is for 'free' and I consider this a true Dailure. He's so inspiring and humble. And I believe, as does anyone who has heard or read him, that he can change the world.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kehinde Wiley
Art Basel-Day #1

I went to Art Basel, at the Convention Center, on Miami Beach last night. It was 'VIP night'. I didn't much feel like a VIP. It's all about image! I never know what to look at; the people, all decked out, some of the men wearing skirts and wigs, the art, which can be overwhelming, because there's so much of it or my husband's face, looking at all of the above? Barbara Kruger (see image) is a featured artist this year. I did love seeing Kehinde Wiley's painting of Michael Jackson on top of a great white steed. But I always come away from Basel (at the convention center) feeling confused and somewhat miffed. Conceptual art, by its' nature, is confusing. But the price tags on some of the works (the lowest figure for a work, that I saw ran around $45,000) is baffling. I guess I should just stick to the smaller venues, where I seem to find works that 'speak' to me and I can somehow grasp the meaning.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Dailrag-Teenage Nightmare

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dailure-Thanksgiving leftovers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009
Focaccia Recipe!
from: The Italian Baker by Carol Field
Focaccia alla Genovese
(makes enough dough for three 9 or 10 inch round focacce or two 10 1/2 x 15 1/2 inch rectangular focacce.)
2 1/2 t. (1 pkg) active dry yeast or 1 small cake of fresh yeast
1/4 c warm water
2 1/4 c water, room temp
2 T olive oil
7 1/2 (approx) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 T fine sea salt or table salt
You can make this by hand, by processor or standing mixer. I use my Kitchen Aid mixer, so here are directions for that method:
Stir yeast into warm water; let stand about 10 minutes, til creamy.
Stir in 2 1/4 c water and the oil, using the mixer's paddle. Add flour and salt and mix until the dough comes together. Change to dough hook and knead at low speed for about 2 minutes, then at medium speed for another 3 minutes. Dough should be velvety and elastic.
(I like to finish kneading by hand, just so I am sure that the dough feels right)
Shape dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let rise til doubled in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours.
After the first rise, punch dough and cut into 3 equal pieces (if you are making round foccace), place on lightly floured surface. Shape each piece into a thick disc and roll out to 9-10 inch circle. Place in an oiled 9-10 inch pie plate (I use a cake pan). For rectangular foccace, cut dough into 2 pieces, roll out to fit 2 oiled 10 1/2 x 15 1/2 inch pans. Cover dough with damp towels and let rise for 30 minutes. (I use plastic wrap. If dough rises and touches the towels, it's hard to get off of the towel)
After rising for 30 minutes, vigorously dimple the dough with your fingertips, leaving indentations that are as deep as 1/2 inch. Cover again and let rise about 2 hours.
Brush 2-3 T olive oil on top of the dough, allowing oil to fill the dimples. Sprinkle with 1-2 t kosher salt (heavily, if you like salt!). You can also sprinkle the tops with rosemary, sage, olives, gorgonzola... whatever you like.
Heat over to 400 degrees. Use a baking stone and be sure it is preheated (for about 1/2 hour). Place pans on preheated stones. Bake for about 20 – 25 minutes. For the first 10 minutes of baking, spray the pans with water 3x (about every 3 minutes or so). This replicates the way Italian bakers keep the dough moist.
When baked, immediately invert the focacce onto cooling racks so that the crusts don't get soggy.
Eat these while warm or at room temp, on the same day that you bake them. Don't refrigerate. Focacce don't keep well.
Focaccia alla Genovese
(makes enough dough for three 9 or 10 inch round focacce or two 10 1/2 x 15 1/2 inch rectangular focacce.)
2 1/2 t. (1 pkg) active dry yeast or 1 small cake of fresh yeast
1/4 c warm water
2 1/4 c water, room temp
2 T olive oil
7 1/2 (approx) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 T fine sea salt or table salt
You can make this by hand, by processor or standing mixer. I use my Kitchen Aid mixer, so here are directions for that method:
Stir yeast into warm water; let stand about 10 minutes, til creamy.
Stir in 2 1/4 c water and the oil, using the mixer's paddle. Add flour and salt and mix until the dough comes together. Change to dough hook and knead at low speed for about 2 minutes, then at medium speed for another 3 minutes. Dough should be velvety and elastic.
(I like to finish kneading by hand, just so I am sure that the dough feels right)
Shape dough into a ball and place in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let rise til doubled in bulk, about 1 1/2 hours.
After the first rise, punch dough and cut into 3 equal pieces (if you are making round foccace), place on lightly floured surface. Shape each piece into a thick disc and roll out to 9-10 inch circle. Place in an oiled 9-10 inch pie plate (I use a cake pan). For rectangular foccace, cut dough into 2 pieces, roll out to fit 2 oiled 10 1/2 x 15 1/2 inch pans. Cover dough with damp towels and let rise for 30 minutes. (I use plastic wrap. If dough rises and touches the towels, it's hard to get off of the towel)
After rising for 30 minutes, vigorously dimple the dough with your fingertips, leaving indentations that are as deep as 1/2 inch. Cover again and let rise about 2 hours.
Brush 2-3 T olive oil on top of the dough, allowing oil to fill the dimples. Sprinkle with 1-2 t kosher salt (heavily, if you like salt!). You can also sprinkle the tops with rosemary, sage, olives, gorgonzola... whatever you like.
Heat over to 400 degrees. Use a baking stone and be sure it is preheated (for about 1/2 hour). Place pans on preheated stones. Bake for about 20 – 25 minutes. For the first 10 minutes of baking, spray the pans with water 3x (about every 3 minutes or so). This replicates the way Italian bakers keep the dough moist.
When baked, immediately invert the focacce onto cooling racks so that the crusts don't get soggy.
Eat these while warm or at room temp, on the same day that you bake them. Don't refrigerate. Focacce don't keep well.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Funny Cat
So I decided that instead of downloading an image of a cat (that I don't know) I'd just talk about this ridiculous cat we have that chases it's tail, climbs the wall (literally) and sleeps upside down. She also lies right on the keyboard when I'm typing on my laptop and climbs onto the dining room table and makes herself at home in the middle of the table, while we're eating dinner! (cheeky thing). She's so fat because she's lazy. She makes me laugh.
Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009
FOOD is a GOOD thing

Not exactly a daily pleasure... but on this rainy, cloudy, lousy day up here in New England, I baked focaccia. I also carmelized red/yellow/orange bell peppers, and am about to assemble the afore mentioned items with mascarpone in the form of sandwiches. It's called focaccia alla peperonata... or something to that effect. Oh mama mia... SO GOOD!!! (P.S.: I cannot claim the lovely focaccia in the photo above as my own. I found the image online.)
Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Daily Drag-Fighting children

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dailure-Hope's Blog
I love reading your blog in the early mornings, Hope. I'm glad you're back and that you had such a great time in Boston.
Seeing 'old' friends who I immediately connected with: Betsy, Cynda, Nanzo and Kate (vis-a-vie Skype).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dailure Cheese

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Dailure - Golf
I never, in a million years, thought I'd enjoy golf. Yesterday, we went out, to the public golf course (very inexpensive) and played 9 holes with a friend. It was fun. Not only that it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and it was quiet. Jordi is a really good golfer, always fun to watch him and I actually could hit the ball. Nice way to spend a Saturday morning. If you want to see an hysterical account of golf watch Robin William's You Tube version,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dailure, 'Art and Medicine'

I met with Ian Bishop, second year med student, at the Miller School of Medicine. The 'kid' is 25 and incredibly accomplished. He grew up in East Africa, father work for the State Department, mother is an art historian. He lived in Europe and came to the States in his teens. He went to Yale, undergrad, and came to Miami, "for a different environment". He travels, to Africa and Haiti, with Partners In Health, because he wants to "make a difference in medicine". He and I are working together, to create a program, for medical students, which incorporates art; observation and listening, to help doctors become more skilled with their patients. It's exciting working with this brilliant man. In one week I will attend the 'Art and Medicine' symposium, in Boston and come back 'armed'.
I do like to eat out, every now and then, but I don't like paying way too much for mediocre food. That's what I did, last night, when I took a friend out for dinner. I do like a good glass of wine, with good food and good conversation. But to have to pay so much for something I can cook at home, uh-uh, I feel 'cheated'. Next time I'll cook for my friend.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friends who are no longer 'friends'. It's difficult to lose a friend and worse when you know that it's because of something you may have done (or not done).
Dinner with friends-Dailure

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Laughing with good friends, especially at ourselves, as in being turned away from a trendy disco for being too old and ugly!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I've started playing tennis again. Today, played with my husband and we had a wonderful time. There's a court across the street from our house. Then we came home, and swam, naked, in our pool. What a life!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
'Feedjit Live Traffic Map'
Check it out! Look at how many different parts of the world have looked at the Daily Delights and Daily Drags blog! It's amaaaaaaaaazing. It'd be even cooler if some of those folks from the far East and Africa actually posted something. Wonder how I can entice them to do that?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Daily Drag
Listening to some of the venom that the GOPs are spewing is really depressing. Not only are there those who are trying to block Obama's attempt at health care reform (just because he's a Democrat and maybe even because he's black) but they are preaching to their kids that Obama's trying to "instill socialism". Obama spoke to a group of high school students in Virginia, yesterday, and there was a broohaha over it. There were parents across the country who were planning pulling their kids out of the class during his speech. Some even took their kids out of school. What is wrong with people!? Isn't what these parents are doing just as bad as if he actually WERE preaching socialism. Aren't they indoctrinating their children with their own warped thinking. What's the message when you pull your child out of school bc you don't want him/her to "hear the President of the United States because you disagree"? Shouldn't all children be exposed to different viewpoints so they can have the skills to make the CHOICE themselves as to whether or not they agree or disagree? Or, are we creating a climate of hate and racism and the only way we can disagree is to shoot someone? I mean really, carrying guns to a town hall meeting! What the hell is that.
Thursday, September 3, 2009

forrest green, hunter green, lime green. It was an ugly, slimy, swampy green and every time I looked out at it I was sad. Now I know it sounds crazy but I kept imagining the pool to your left; a crystal clear, blue, blue pool. And I kept thinking, 'I feel so much better when the pool is blue'. And so I called a pool expert because try as I did I could not get the pool to turn blue. And the pool expert came and he dumped in all sorts of awful chemicals and today my pool is blue and I'm not.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009
My oldest just left for college. What a strange but kind of exciting feeling. She's gone to Madison, where I went, and I think she's off for a wonderful adventure. She spent the last year living in Barcelona so it'll be a huge change. But I would speculate and say she's going to really like it. My mother and sister took her up and apparently "everyone was so nice". There were ten frat boys all waiting, to help her take her luggage out of the car, and transport it to her 'new' room. She is living in The Towers, centrally located, residential hall. Mom says the rooms are the size of "postage stamps". I really wish I could have gone up with her but I like hearing the stories, second hand.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Working with teachers, helping them learn how to facilitate a VTS discussion is really a 'high'. "I get no kick from Champagne, mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all" but I get a kick out of VTS and working with teachers. I love it when they 'get' it and really are excited about it's application in the classroom. It's so simple yet some people have a hard time understanding that it's all about the kids; all about what they know; their background info. and experiences, bringing 'em all together and having them 'share' their knowledge, is a real kick in the head!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009
Running to Mozart
I went running, this AM, before dawn and listened to Mozart. It was so beautiful and I really listened to the music. Knowing practically nothing about music but thinking there's a story here, no words, but a story. And I 'created' one to the music, in my head. It was fun and so great to be able to just listen to the different 'chapters'.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Mad Men
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009

I don't know if this constitutes a 'dailure' but day before yesterday I had a meeting with the Chairs of the undergraduate psychology and neuroscience departments. They both "agreed" that somehow working in visits to the art museum and possibly "working it into their curriculum" in the future would be a "great idea". It's all very exciting for the museum and VTS!
Also really looking forward to going to Art museum at Harvard, in November, for a symposia on 'Art museums and medicine'. There will be speakers there from medicine and art museum, from different parts of the country. Harvard medical school already has a program, which combines art and medicine. I'm hoping the University of Miami will have the same.
The image, The Reward of Cruelty, is one that the physical therapy students and faculty looked at and discussed, at length.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dailrag Emptying Diswasher

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Dailure-Whipped cream!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Invent this!
Again, I'm driving to work, listening to NPR (okay so I'm a NPR addict!) and I hear a story about a woman, in France, who was able to quit her job as a clerk, in a small market (actually she was a cashier) and become a full time writer. She started a blog, after she graduated from college and couldn't find another job, so she became a cashier. The book, which I've forgotten the title to, has just come out in something like six languages. It's freaky how these 'unknowns' are plucked up and become instant celebrities. I KNOW there are millions out there, just like her, who are wanna bes. How is it, other than the correct alignment of the stars, do some just 'luck' out?! Sir Ken Robinson (author of The Element: How Your Passsion Changes Everything) would disspute this. His premise is that there is no such thing as "luck"; that one makes their own luck, by availing themselves of opportunities, and making oneself "ready" for those opportunities, arming, oneself, with the necessary skills to become whatever it is you want to become. But I digress. That is not the point of this entry. Invention is the mother of necessity! I want a device to RECORD those stories and be able to listen to them WHEN I want and WHERE I want.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I really like playing Lexulous (Scrabble) on Facebook. It's fun and kind of great for learning new words. Although I'm not sure about some of the dubious ones that the 'Robot' comes up with!
Dailrag-Sleeplessness or 'tossing and turning'

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Dailrags-Unfinished Stories
I'm taking an informal poll, for all those who even look at this blog. I want to know how many people would buy an inexpensive device that would let them record a story on the radio?? How many times have you been in your car, listening to a story (say on NPR) and have reached your destination? You either have to sit in your car, in order to finish listening, or you have to get out, which means you aren't able to listen to the end of your favorite NPR program! That sucks! And who wants to take the time to download it from a website? You may not even be able to find it. So my suggestion is to create a device, very very 'user friendly', which enables you to record a program, even after the car has been turned off. The only hitch is how are you gonna be able to do that (without the car running). So I'm challenging readers of this blog to come up with a way to do this. I've already got a name for the device, Ra-Vo (like Ti-Vo). And the caption would be, "What's the Story with Ra-Vo". Wouldn't that make a great t-shirt????
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Daniel Pink's website

Speaking of Dailures I was at the grocery store the other day, and while standing in line, I noticed that Oprah's magazine, O, had a cover story called "Simple Pleasures". Hmmmm, wonder if I can get her on copyright infringement? Seriously doubtable (is that a word, even????)
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 11th was my birthday. As I get older it's almost as tho I have a visceral reaction to the 'thought' of birthdays; I get a kinda sick feeling in my stomach, my knees get weak, and my idea of a birthday is no birthday, rather stay in bed with the sheet covering my head. I suppose because I have such a low expectation (or no expectation) they always turn out okay. This year was better than okay. I played two hours of tennis with a friend, the kids made me breakfast, Jordi gave me a spa day, the girls and I went to Key Biscayne and talked and read and we went to Le Buchon du Grove for a delicious meal. I also received a plethora of birthday wishes on Facebook. That was fun! What more could a goil ask for???!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Daily Drag!!!!

So when you're on an "austerity budget" and need to take a vacation I highly recommend staycations. Go to the public library and take out two or three (depending on how long your vacation lasts) and go to it. There's nothing like sitting down, on a comfortable couch, with a good book and just whiling away the hours, reading. Every now and then I will get up for a bit of sustenance, maybe a nap or even a run (swim). It's really nice not having to be anywhere, don't even have to pick up the kids from camps. So the days are long and sweet. Too bad it all ends on Monday.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Art of Observation-E-Veritas, 6/29/09
A group of Miller School physical therapy doctoral students spends a day at UM’s Lowe Art Museum, contemplating and interpreting artwork to sharpen their observational skills and become better diagnosticians
Patrick Manrique and 11 of his classmates stood in front of the sculpture of a squatting Miami Dolphins football player and stared at its lifelike features.
Art discussion: Department of Physical Therapy students, including Christen Tucker, right, listen to Lowe Art Museum docent Sara DeTchon during a recent workshop designed to sharpen their observation skills.
After looking straight into the figure’s eyes, Manrique formed an opinion and shared it with the group, explaining that the football player was an exhausted athlete “catching a quick break in the heat of battle.”
Some of his classmates, however, had a different opinion. To them, the player’s posture and appearance suggested a dejected athlete whose team had been defeated.
Manrique and his classmates aren’t art history majors but future healers—third-year doctoral students in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s nationally ranked physical therapy program.
Their recent one-day field trip to UM’s Lowe Art Museum—where they pondered paintings, photographs, and sculptures and then described what they were seeing and how they arrived at their impressions—was intended to improve the observational skills they will need to make accurate diagnoses.
“They weren’t there to learn about art,” says Hope Torrents, school programs coordinator at the Lowe who helped arrange the visit. “The premise is that looking and talking about artwork makes them better diagnosticians, better listeners. They have to mine artwork for details. Art is open to multiple interpretations. It’s about listening to other people’s ideas.”
Physical therapists, like physicians, have to open their minds to several possibilities just to arrive at the correct diagnosis. But sometimes they concentrate too heavily on finding the one right answer without being flexible and considering different options.
Observing and discussing art “gets them to realize there’s a lot of different things going on, and that’s the same thing with patients,” says Sherrill Hayes, professor and chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. “Are they limping? Is there a muscular or skeletal problem? We have to be very observant and have to pick up on nuances that the patient is showing us, either in their facial expressions or in something about their body. Then, it’s not only a matter of being more skilled at visual observation, but being able to state what they’re seeing.”
While the Miller School currently has no elective or required class in which students study art to improve their observational skills, Hayes has been using the technique as a module in some of her classes since 2003, showing her students PowerPoint images of paintings and sculptures and having them analyze and interpret them.
She got the idea after reading an article in her daughter’s Yale University alumni magazine about a faculty member, Irwin Braverman, who developed a class that uses art with the goal of making better physicians.
“I was intrigued,” Hayes says. “My daughter was an art history major at Yale, and she helped me identify some paintings that were very detailed as far as the story that was being told. So I started doing this with our first doctor of physical therapy class, and I’ve been doing it ever since.”
The recent field trip to the Lowe was the first time Hayes had ever brought a group of her students to a museum. But she hopes the field trips will occur more often.
During their visit, the students looked at such varied art as Italian artist Leonardo Coccorante’s Port of Ostia During a Tempest, an oil-on-canvas painting that shows architectural ruins with a seascape during a storm. They also looked at some of the Lowe’s Renaissance and Baroque works, contemporary photographs, and sculptures like Duane Hanson’s Football Player, 1981, forming impressions of the works by using a technique called Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a K-5 and middle school curriculum and teaching method that develops critical thinking, communication, and visual literacy skills.
Torrents has been teaching VTS to Miami-Dade School teachers for the past seven years as part of the Lowe’s magnet schools program, and she and the museum docents also use the technique with visitors.
“It’s not about people coming in and getting lectured to,” she explains. “It’s about them finding meaning for themselves through artwork.”
But research on whether observing and interpreting art can help improve the observational skills of physicians is limited. “There are a few small studies showing improvement in diagnostic inspection skills,” says Alex Mechaber, associate dean for undergraduate medical education at the Miller School, adding, “We are exploring the creation of a master clinician elective that might incorporate instruction in these observation skills.”
Physical therapy student Manrique, though, is a believer, and hopes his experience at the Lowe will make him a better clinician. “So much of communication is nonverbal,” says the former Army officer and paratrooper from the 82nd Airborne Division who spent a year in Iraq. “The art of observing patients can give clinicians clues where to steer the flow of a physical examination. I believe that my patients will be appreciative of my ability to pick up on subtle clues.”
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Patrick Manrique and 11 of his classmates stood in front of the sculpture of a squatting Miami Dolphins football player and stared at its lifelike features.
Art discussion: Department of Physical Therapy students, including Christen Tucker, right, listen to Lowe Art Museum docent Sara DeTchon during a recent workshop designed to sharpen their observation skills.
After looking straight into the figure’s eyes, Manrique formed an opinion and shared it with the group, explaining that the football player was an exhausted athlete “catching a quick break in the heat of battle.”
Some of his classmates, however, had a different opinion. To them, the player’s posture and appearance suggested a dejected athlete whose team had been defeated.
Manrique and his classmates aren’t art history majors but future healers—third-year doctoral students in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s nationally ranked physical therapy program.
Their recent one-day field trip to UM’s Lowe Art Museum—where they pondered paintings, photographs, and sculptures and then described what they were seeing and how they arrived at their impressions—was intended to improve the observational skills they will need to make accurate diagnoses.
“They weren’t there to learn about art,” says Hope Torrents, school programs coordinator at the Lowe who helped arrange the visit. “The premise is that looking and talking about artwork makes them better diagnosticians, better listeners. They have to mine artwork for details. Art is open to multiple interpretations. It’s about listening to other people’s ideas.”
Physical therapists, like physicians, have to open their minds to several possibilities just to arrive at the correct diagnosis. But sometimes they concentrate too heavily on finding the one right answer without being flexible and considering different options.
Observing and discussing art “gets them to realize there’s a lot of different things going on, and that’s the same thing with patients,” says Sherrill Hayes, professor and chair of the Department of Physical Therapy. “Are they limping? Is there a muscular or skeletal problem? We have to be very observant and have to pick up on nuances that the patient is showing us, either in their facial expressions or in something about their body. Then, it’s not only a matter of being more skilled at visual observation, but being able to state what they’re seeing.”
While the Miller School currently has no elective or required class in which students study art to improve their observational skills, Hayes has been using the technique as a module in some of her classes since 2003, showing her students PowerPoint images of paintings and sculptures and having them analyze and interpret them.
She got the idea after reading an article in her daughter’s Yale University alumni magazine about a faculty member, Irwin Braverman, who developed a class that uses art with the goal of making better physicians.
“I was intrigued,” Hayes says. “My daughter was an art history major at Yale, and she helped me identify some paintings that were very detailed as far as the story that was being told. So I started doing this with our first doctor of physical therapy class, and I’ve been doing it ever since.”
The recent field trip to the Lowe was the first time Hayes had ever brought a group of her students to a museum. But she hopes the field trips will occur more often.
During their visit, the students looked at such varied art as Italian artist Leonardo Coccorante’s Port of Ostia During a Tempest, an oil-on-canvas painting that shows architectural ruins with a seascape during a storm. They also looked at some of the Lowe’s Renaissance and Baroque works, contemporary photographs, and sculptures like Duane Hanson’s Football Player, 1981, forming impressions of the works by using a technique called Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a K-5 and middle school curriculum and teaching method that develops critical thinking, communication, and visual literacy skills.
Torrents has been teaching VTS to Miami-Dade School teachers for the past seven years as part of the Lowe’s magnet schools program, and she and the museum docents also use the technique with visitors.
“It’s not about people coming in and getting lectured to,” she explains. “It’s about them finding meaning for themselves through artwork.”
But research on whether observing and interpreting art can help improve the observational skills of physicians is limited. “There are a few small studies showing improvement in diagnostic inspection skills,” says Alex Mechaber, associate dean for undergraduate medical education at the Miller School, adding, “We are exploring the creation of a master clinician elective that might incorporate instruction in these observation skills.”
Physical therapy student Manrique, though, is a believer, and hopes his experience at the Lowe will make him a better clinician. “So much of communication is nonverbal,” says the former Army officer and paratrooper from the 82nd Airborne Division who spent a year in Iraq. “The art of observing patients can give clinicians clues where to steer the flow of a physical examination. I believe that my patients will be appreciative of my ability to pick up on subtle clues.”
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
New York Times-Sunday magazine story on Raffa Nada
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mixed Doubles Tennis
I realize that my entries have been the only entries in this blog of Daily Delights and Daily Drags in a very long time. It's lonely. But I'm happy to make contributions because...well it makes me happy. But I do welcome any and all daily delights and daily drags.
With that off my chest I have to say that playing mixed doubles tennis with my husband these last couple of weeks has been really fun. Jordi is not a tennis player but there's a 'will' there that can't be matched. He goes for every ball and has such determination even when we're losing, by a lot, he continues to fight to the bitter end. He makes me laugh! And the other couple we've been playing with are a lot of fun. I'm so happy that we have found something, which costs no money, to do together that's so much fun. Now hopefully our knees won't give out.
With that off my chest I have to say that playing mixed doubles tennis with my husband these last couple of weeks has been really fun. Jordi is not a tennis player but there's a 'will' there that can't be matched. He goes for every ball and has such determination even when we're losing, by a lot, he continues to fight to the bitter end. He makes me laugh! And the other couple we've been playing with are a lot of fun. I'm so happy that we have found something, which costs no money, to do together that's so much fun. Now hopefully our knees won't give out.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
New T-Shirt

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Visual Thinking Strategies
50 physical therapy students came to the Lowe Art Museum yesterday. What a great day! We had them for three hours, doing an overview of VTS, demonstrating and discussing the elements and had them try and connect the importance of what we do with VTS and how it relates to their own field. They totally got it! What a high to have 50 people enthusiastic about VTS. Each one practiced facilitating image discussions, with their groups. They were great. And the professor/chair, Dr. Hayes thought it was "fantastic". I am hoping it catches on and more schools use it.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Daily Drag

This isn't a daily drag, it can be a monthly or monthsly drag, a cloud, which accompany's me wherever I go, at all times of day, the 'dark cloud' that I wake up and go to bed with. It almost 'hurts' sometimes; and the least provocation, a sad story, seeing someone else in pain, feeling the sting of mean words, can send me reeling. It can be a pit, in the bottom of my stomach or a lack of appetite. It's weight is stifling at times, my chest constricts and I have to remind myself to 'breathe'. Depression is no fun!
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