Friday, March 27, 2009


I really enjoy opening the mailbox, every two weeks, to find the latest New Yorker magazine. I usually try to read the entire mag, sometimes in one sitting. The articles are well written and I do LOVE the cartoons, my favorites.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I've got my brother, wife and three kids, in from Chicago, for a week.  It's so much fun having them here.  Finally, our kids have cousins to 'play' with!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Weather

It's another beautiful day in Houston...perfect temperature, sun is out, birds are singing and...I'm still on Spring Break.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New York Times Article, March 19, 2009

When the Gallery Is a Classroom
The Obama administration is poised to support arts education with increased financing, and museums nationwide are eager to align themselves with those efforts. (see Arts section of NYT, Thursday, March 19, 2009)

Fresh eggs

Dailure:  An egg in the morning with some good whole grain bread keeps me satisfied for many hours.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rain beautiful rain

Dailure:  Florida has been in drought mode for a long is the first time it's rained, all day long, in ages, the gardens love it, the lakes love it, everyone is happy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Texas Wildflowers

Dailure: I went for a run this morning and the wildflowers were out...beautiful! Perfect run & perfect morning.

STRONG coffee

Dailure:  I've been drinking weak coffee, for about a month now.  I just purchased some strong, Columbian coffee.  I can not tell you what a difference in my day it makes!  Good coffee, first thing in the AM, aaaahhhh, aint nothing like it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Daily Drag

Talking about money.

I'm the mother of a 20-year-old!

It's my daughter's birthday today and she is 20. How did that happen? I'm so proud of her and proud of myself for being the mother of such a fabulous and HAPPY young woman!

Not a daily delight, but oh... it's delightful

I just finished our TAXES!! Started working on them in January and after sitting down to work on them about a million times, I FINALLY finished em. AHH!!!!

Bar-B-Q'd shrimp on a grill!  So good.  Here's a recipe that I love:  In a bowl, mix lemon juice, onions, parsley, olive oil, salt and pepper.  Throw in the shrimp (uncooked) for a few hours.  Put them on a skewer and grill them.  Don't overcook or they'll be rubbery.  Serve with good bread and a salad.