Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dailure: Brand New Books

I just received a package from Amazon with two brand new books: The Elegance of the Hedgehog and Olive Kitteridge. I love the way they look and feel. Now I can't wait to get started, especially after Hope's recommendation!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I've started playing tennis again. Today, played with my husband and we had a wonderful time. There's a court across the street from our house. Then we came home, and swam, naked, in our pool. What a life!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Feedjit Live Traffic Map'

Check it out! Look at how many different parts of the world have looked at the Daily Delights and Daily Drags blog! It's amaaaaaaaaazing. It'd be even cooler if some of those folks from the far East and Africa actually posted something. Wonder how I can entice them to do that?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Daily Drag

Listening to some of the venom that the GOPs are spewing is really depressing.  Not only are there those who are trying to block Obama's attempt at health care reform (just because he's a Democrat and maybe even because he's black) but they are preaching to their kids that Obama's trying to "instill socialism".  Obama spoke to a group of high school students in Virginia, yesterday, and there was a broohaha over it.  There were parents across the country who were planning pulling their kids out of the class during his speech.  Some even took their kids out of school.  What is wrong with people!?  Isn't what these parents are doing just as bad as if he actually WERE preaching socialism.  Aren't they indoctrinating their children with their own warped thinking.  What's the message when you pull your child out of school bc you don't want him/her to "hear the President of the United States because you disagree"?  Shouldn't all children be exposed to different viewpoints so they can have the skills to make the CHOICE themselves as to whether or not they agree or disagree?  Or, are we creating a climate of hate and racism and the only way we can disagree is to shoot someone?  I mean really, carrying guns to a town hall meeting!  What the hell is that.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Okay, first of all, this is not our swimming pool (I wish). Second of all I realized, the other day, how affected I am by color. We do have a swimming pool, built in the 60's. It's old but it 'works'. And we got a salt filter, which means we can swim in it with our eyes burning, hair falling out and skin peeling off. It never uses chlorine. That's the good news. The bad news is it requires a lot more pumping time. The pump has to stay on longer, in the summer months, when it's hot and rainy, in order for the salt to 'produce' chlorine. To make a really, long, boring story short, the pump has to work harder to keep the pool from getting green. It was green for weeks and truthfully it really got me depressed. It wasn't a pretty
forrest green, hunter green, lime green. It was an ugly, slimy, swampy green and every time I looked out at it I was sad. Now I know it sounds crazy but I kept imagining the pool to your left; a crystal clear, blue, blue pool. And I kept thinking, 'I feel so much better when the pool is blue'. And so I called a pool expert because try as I did I could not get the pool to turn blue. And the pool expert came and he dumped in all sorts of awful chemicals and today my pool is blue and I'm not.