Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thoughtful Gifts

Three very close friends got together online, even though they haven't all met, to get me the perfect present...and it is PERFECT! I was completely surprised and thrilled. Lucky, lucky and spoiled me.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dailure-Cloudy Days in Florida

Cloudy days are a welcome 'relief' in Florida, and especially at this time of year, when all around the country there's snow. And these days, which are on the chilly side, put me in the mood to bake and when I bake it puts me in the mood to play holiday carols on the radio (Give a Mouse a Cookie). It's all so cozy! It also makes me a bit melancholy; gives me pause, to think, about what really is important: Family, friends and good bread! Happy Holidays to all.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dailure-Everglades National Park

5 hours, on a motor-cyle, today, going through Everglades National Park. It was lovely! Although I think I'm a bit 'old' for being on a motor-cycle for that many hours I loved being with my husband on a beautiful day (when everyone else was in the mall).

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sailing Sailing Dailure

We were invited out, yesterday, on a friend's sailboat. A perfect day in many ways; the weather was beautiful, there was enough of a breeze to sail but not too much to feel threatened and the company, fun and interesting. We made brunch and grilled on the little Weber in the rear of the boat. I even went swimming and the sea was a lovely 76 degrees. Aaaagh lucky us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dailrag-Sore Throat

Gross!!!! My throat hurts and so does my back. Maybe I need another pain, somewhere, so I'm completely distracted from the other two??!! Getting old sucks sometimes.

Dailure-Baking Bread

Baking bread used to be something I would do on an almost daily basis (I actually did a lot of bread baking in college, to help pay rent). And there is nothing like the smell and taste of freshly baked bread. So I started, yesterday and all those memories came rushing back: cold Wisconsin days, bread in the oven, hot chocolate on the stove, and maybe a good stew or lentil soup, in the making. I am going to try and bake bread more often. The kids ate it last night, warm with butter. Yum.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dailrag - Santas

People who force their scared children to sit on Santa's lap for the annual Christmas picture! I'm proud to say I never submitted my children to that.

Dailure-Art Basel People Watching

People watching at the Art Basel fair is almost as fun (sometimes more fun) than looking at the art. This couple, from Germany, always dress alike. This year they looked pretty in pink.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I am a sucker for holiday lights; gives me that warm, 'Hallmarky', kind of feeling. I've gotten used to the Palm trees, in Miami, being all decked out and lit up, and enjoy seeing the extent, to which people go, here, in S. Florida, to make themselves feel festive (we overcompensate for the lack of snow). I must say, this is the time of year, when I miss a nice fire, in the fireplace and some hot-chocolate.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Art Miami

Day #3, art miami fair. I went with the medical student to the art miami fair. He had never really been to a contemporary art fair, didn't know a lot about contemp. art and really liked it. Art Miami was really good and I know I enjoy the smaller, satellite fairs, more than Art Basel. It's hard to wrap my head around some of the "cutting edge" work out there. One booth had only shards of glass on the ground and another had paper bags and cigarette (sp?) butts???? If I had to choose I would 'take home' the Iranian booth; symbols, made out of some sort of steel, which were attached to the walls. The reflection, on the walls was pretty and I liked the shapes (didn't know what the symbols stood for). But most of what I saw was very odd.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson, candidate for Nobel Peace Prize, author of Three Cups of Tea, will speak, at the local book store, on Sunday. He has a new book called, Stones Into Schools. I heard him speak a couple of years ago and think this guy is a hero! The talk is for 'free' and I consider this a true Dailure. He's so inspiring and humble. And I believe, as does anyone who has heard or read him, that he can change the world.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kehinde Wiley

Kehinde Wiley, won the 2008 Art Basel artist award. I did not see this painting but saw something very similiar with Michael Jackson on the top of the horse. His work is beautiful, I think.

Art Basel-Day #1

I went to Art Basel, at the Convention Center, on Miami Beach last night. It was 'VIP night'. I didn't much feel like a VIP. It's all about image! I never know what to look at; the people, all decked out, some of the men wearing skirts and wigs, the art, which can be overwhelming, because there's so much of it or my husband's face, looking at all of the above? Barbara Kruger (see image) is a featured artist this year. I did love seeing Kehinde Wiley's painting of Michael Jackson on top of a great white steed. But I always come away from Basel (at the convention center) feeling confused and somewhat miffed. Conceptual art, by its' nature, is confusing. But the price tags on some of the works (the lowest figure for a work, that I saw ran around $45,000) is baffling. I guess I should just stick to the smaller venues, where I seem to find works that 'speak' to me and I can somehow grasp the meaning.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dailrag-Teenage Nightmare

I'm just wondering if anyone else has a 'teenage nightmare'? It seems as though my teen likes to be combative. This doesn't happen just every once-in-awhile, but it seems to occur on an almost daily basis. Every little occurrence turns into a battle and it can be exhausting. Both my husband and I try and maintain a calm demeanor but it becomes a challenge to our teen and a test of wills. We KNOW that we should just walk away, and we do, but he comes back (sort of like that re-ocurring nightmare). Help!