Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dailure - Hope's Quiche

Julie and I made your quiche this weekend and it was delicious! We added jalapeno for a Texas kick. YUM!

PS Julie has been trying to post this dailure on your blog, but we're having trouble. She's a follower now, but there is no place for her to click "new post". It keeps asking her to create a blog. Does she have to do that before being able to post to this blog?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dailure-Book Groups

I have been involved with a book group (not the same one) for the last 20-some years and I find that if I have a book, to read, and it's 'due' at a specific time and I know I'm going to have to talk about it I read 'better'. That is to say I am a lazy reader and if I'm just reading for the fun of it (I do read for pleasure) my concentration is better if I have a goal, to read intelligently. I must say it's hard to remember sometimes; I forget characters names, dates, and good quotes, but I'm trying to read with a different perspective. I'm trying to read to pull out the main idea(s) and how characters play into that. Maybe it's age but maybe it's just that there is so much to be read that I can't stop to worry about those kinds of details anymore. And I have found that when I stop 'worrying' about not being able to remember those things I get a lot more from a book!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dailure-Florida weather

I'm not one to gloat. And I suppose when speaking of the weather, really, nobody can gloat (except for Mother Nature). But the weather, in Florida, right now, today (and yesterday) is absolutely PERFECT; 75 degrees, no humidity and the sun is shining brightly. I just think after a miserable winter (yes, I know, I don't know miserable weathers because I live in Florida and people who live in Wisconsin, Chicago, even New York, now they know miserable weather), which was, on record, the "coldest" winter in recorded history, I can say we finally have beautiful Florida weather. It just makes the day so much nicer. I went for a run, took the dog out for several walks, had lunch, with a friend outside, altogether glorious.

Dailure - Lavender

I went to a lavender farm with Julie this weekend. The lavender won't be ready for cutting till late summer but the weather was perfect, the spot was beautiful and they had a great little shop full of lavender products of all sorts. That lavender scent is the best!

Friday, March 12, 2010


I do like this blog, Daily Delights and Daily Drags, but feel that there need to be 'contributions'; sort of feel like I'm writing in a vacuum, hello, anyone home? Where did all the peoples go? I mean the pressure to keep writing, I even heard from my daughter's best friend, that when a day or more, goes by, and there are no entries, she is "sad". So I'm thinking that maybe we need a branding change. Daily Delights and Daily Drags may need a name change. How about a poll out there, ya hearing me you 'followers'? If we could get enough of our people 'out there' sending it to say, five (5), of their friends that would be twenty-five people! And then those 25 could send it to 5 and...soon we'd have lots and lots of people making contributions and deciding if we need to change our name. Because frankly I'm tired of 'hearing' my lone voice (except for you Sally and you Betsy), I do like hearing about other peoples daily delights and daily drags (I do like that name not sure what it should be changed to?!).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I took the dog out at 4:00 AM (she woke me) and I was stunned by the silence, not a peep, and it was almost eerie. But when I stood there, waiting for Cleo to do her thing, I waited and listened and thought 'how often, during the day, do I hear silence?!' And it was amazing. There is so much white-noise, I'm listening to the air vent, radio, dog playing and it's only 6:15 AM. So in 15 minutes Sophie will wake up, then Jordi, and the breakfast will be made; blenders blending, eggs boiling, toast toasting, PLUS all of the other noise. So next time I get up at 4:00 AM to take the dog out I will wait longer and relish the lack of noise.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Wolf Kahn is an artist I've always liked. He does landscapes in pastels and oils. But his landscapes are somewhat abstract and that's what I like. He also uses funky colors (a bit like Milton Avery), like, a lime green for water, and pink for sky. A friend (an artist) pointed out that really he focuses, much of the time, on shapes (see image).

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dailure-Clean Sheets

I do like the smell and feel of clean sheets. It's not really daily, that I change my sheets, more like weekly, but the lasting effect is about a week. It helps me sleep through the night and THAT is of high importance when it comes to being a 'better' me!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dailure-TED talks

I'm not sure this constitutes as a 'dailure' but I just got word that the TED conference people want the person I nominated to apply to be a speaker. It's so exciting! If Philip Yenawine, Co-Founder of VTS is accepted it could be huge for him and VTS. YEA!!!!!