I hate cleaning. I have tried being meditative as I clean, being "in the moment", turning it into a positive experience, but it doesn't work. I'd rather be doing anything, ANYTHING, but cleaning. And when it's done, one has just a short moment of satisfaction and then it all starts over again.
Oh you are sooooooooo right! Cleaning is the biggest drag. And it's not like things don't get dirty right away. Agh, we should become architects...oh, yea, forgot you are married to one Sally.
Architects? Why architects? Would that free us from cleaning????
I opted to forget about cleaning and sat down to read instead. Have you read Little Bee? If not, go and get it right away! I borrowed my copy from a friend or I would send it to you.
Architects because once you've had built your building (or whatever) it 'stays' there. I used to feel that way when I was a cook or pastry chef. All that work and then 'poof' it's gone. Feel the same way about cleaning.
BTW, I do like the image you chose. Did you take that photo yourself?
No! I wouldn't spend time composing a photograph of the dreaded cleaning materials...I "googled" it.
And you're right about cleaning...that's the problem...it looks good for a short moment and then "poof", it's gone. At least cooks and pastry chefs can be creative, right? Maybe that's it, we need to figure out how to be creative when we clean. Ha!
I cleaned the horse this morning and it looks nice. I think that when you have someone helping you clean it doesn't matter so much if someone makes it dirty. But when you do it yourself...I become this Cleanzilla Monster and start yelling at everyone when they make messes. I don't like that about myself. I need to breath. By the way I found that when I swim I can actually do yoga, in the pool, contort myself into these pretzel like positions that ordinarily would NEVER happen and it's so damn relaxing. I feel so much better afterwards. Maybe I could start pool yoga?
I miss you Sally.
I miss you too! And now I'm envisioning you as a pretzel in your pool. Let's talk. It has been much too long since we last chatted and laughed. I could use a Hope-fix. If you have a chance, call me tomorrow after Jordi's endoscopy, or Wednesday if that's better.
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