Last spring I had the opportunity to attend the National Art Education conference in New Orleans. I was able to see the devastation that hit that city. Three years later things there is still so much work to be done. There are neighborhoods, ninth ward and St. Bernard Parish where demolished houses still stand. Skeletal structures, which used to be houses, still stand, with the 'X's above the doors, signifying the amount of bodies recovered after the storm.
Part of my visit included a screening of the documentary, Katrina's Children. On this third anniversary of the most devastating natural disaster that has hit our country I am reminded of the people who suffered the most, the children. If you have the opportunity please see this movie. Remember who was affected the most and what we can do to help bring about change!
I hope that Gustav doesn't cause too much devastation to either Cuba or to the Gulf coast. Those people have had plenty!
No kidding, themomstarr. My husband and I were just talking about how horrid it must be to have to evacuate one's home. Where would we (along with our two large dogs and two cats) go? How long would we have to stay there? And the worst part... would we have a home to come back to? I can't imagine what the residents down there are going through right now...
Thermomstarr, you're absolutely right...I should never have even kidded about something like that! Hurricanes are awful. I've been through a couple and we've got shutters. I can't imagine what the people in NO are feeling! I know that many people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic have been hurt and some killed. It's not a laughing matter.
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